Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog post #5-9/28/09

1. List all of the geologic periods in order from oldest to current. (Cambrian to Quaternary)

2. Since the extra credit question is so hard, come up with a mneumonic to help you remember it.

Pre Cam Ord Sil Dev Carbo Permian Tri Jur Cre Ter Qua

Friday, September 25, 2009

blog post #4-9/24/09

1. How can scientists tell the age of a tree by looking at the rings? Explain what that means.
Scientists can tell the age of a tree by seeing that the rings toward the center are older then the ones toward the outside.
2. How/why would this be useful?
This is useful by knowing how long this tree has been here for and to show if it a different type of tree.

3. Is this an example of relative or absolute dating?
This is an example of absolute dating.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

blog spot #3-9/22/09

The order of rock layers from oldest to youngest would be D,A,E,B, and C. The unconformities would be E, C, and B.

Friday, September 18, 2009


I think the potentially most dangerous is volcanoes.Because it will cause you to lose you home due to fires Not only that lava will burn anything in its path including humans. An example of an major volacanoe would be in russia when six volcanoes errupted in a remote region of Kamchatka. Volcanologist Yaroslav Muraviyev says so much activity was last recorded 55 years ago.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

the center of the earth-9/18/09

1. How deep is the deepest mine in the world?
the deepest mine is the TauTona gold mine in South Africa, a mere 3.6 kilometers deep
2. How deep would you have to dig to reach the mantle?
In order to be able to dig down to the center of the Earth, my friends and I would have needed to dig our way through 6,378 km of rock, mantle
3.If you were somehow able to reach the mantle, what would it look like? What kinds of things would you see? How about the outer core? Inner core? What would it look like as you approached the surface (the crust) on the other side?the mantle would look like a huge chunk of rock and iron.the outer core would look like huge hot red rock,a red hot would look like a a water falling out a funnel

Friday, September 4, 2009

What grade do you think you deserve for your First Quarter Blogs?-9/3/09

What grade do i think deserve for my First Quarter Blogs?I think i deserve at least a B because of some of them i didn't really know what to do and some might be a little different from the directions of being in paragraph form. So if i get a B ill be a happy person,and if its possible i can try and fix them. Okay that's the grade i think i deserve for the first quarter blog posts.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Minerals and their Uses-8/20/09

Choose five minerals, and name their common use. Only choose minerals that you actually use. Also post a picture of one.

Quarts can be used in jewelry as gems. Talc is used in baby powder. Fluorite is used in toothpaste (in which we really do need!). Graphite is used in our pencils (in which we also really need). Jewelry can contain the industrial mineral diamond.