Thursday, October 29, 2009

blog post#6-10/29/09

1. What is global warming?
global warming is the changing the long-term weather,due to people's ignorance
2. Do you believe in global warming? Briefly explain.
I do believe in global warming, because there is proof that the glaciers are melting,and the temperature is going crazy, due to the carbon footprint.
3. Give three pieces of evidence to support your position on number 2.
The U.S. is responsible for 25% of the carbon dioxide produce in the world.If carbon dioxide emissions are stopped today, we will still feel the effects for years to come. Almost 279 species of plants and animals are already reacting to global warming, migrating north to escape rising temperatures.
4. Despite your response to #2, there are smart people out there that believe the complete opposite of what you believe. Give three pieces of evidence for someone with the opposing viewpoint.
People believe that the climate computers are crude to predict future climates.ICPP dont provethat people are the causes for globel warming.The amount of global warming, would be beneifical to natural worold and to human civilizations.

Monday, October 26, 2009

blog post#5-10/26/09

Examples of condensation would be cold beverage, dew and clouds. Examples of condensation nuclei would be dust, ice, and pollution.

Friday, October 23, 2009

blog post#4-10/23/09

1. Which hurricane did you choose?
Hurricane Opal 1995
2. What category was it on the Saffir-Simpson scale?
its a category 3 hurricane when it made landfall near Pensacola Beach
3. Tell its story.
Opal was first detected as a tropical wave moving off the African coast on September 11.The combined system then developed into a tropical depression near the east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula on September 27. The depression drifted slowly northward, becoming Tropical Storm Opal as it reached the north coast of Yucatan on the 30th. Opal then moved slowly westward into the Bay of Campeche, where it became a hurricane on October 2.
4. How many lives were lost? How much damage did it cause ($)?
Opal was responsible for 9 deaths in the United States, including 8 from falling trees and one from a tornado. Opal was responsible for 50 deaths in Mexico and Guatemala due to flooding caused by heavy rains.The surge was responsible for the bulk of the $3 billion in damage attributed to Opal in the United States.

Monday, October 19, 2009

blog post#3-10/19/09

1. What are the 4 main types of air masses? What does each letter stand for?
Maritime tropical-mT, Maritime polar-mP
Continental tropical-cT, and Continental polar-cP
2. Which kind of air mass is most likely to bring hurricanes? Why?
Maritime tropical,because hurricanes need the necessary heat and moisture to the air.
3. Which kind of air mass(es) is most likely to bring a drought? Why?
Continental tropical,because its warm and dry air.
4. Which kind of air mass(es) bring lake-effect snowstorms? (check p. 561)
Continental polar bring lake-effect snowstorms.
5. Today we learned about the 4 main types of air masses. In reality, there are many more than four. List and explain 2 other air masses.
Arctic-The source region for A air is northern Canada.It has the same characteristics as Polar air except it is colder with even lower dewpoints.
Highland-This air mass occurs in regions with large elevation changes over short distance. It is not a source region for one particular type of air mass.

Friday, October 16, 2009

blog post#2-10/16/09

1.What is "IR" raditation?
"IR" raditation is infared raditation.
2. What are the 3 main greenhouse gases?
the three main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide,methane and water.
3. In your opinion, is the greenhouse effect a good thing or a bad thing?
I think greenhouse gases are a bad thing because it is causing global warming.

Friday, October 9, 2009

blog post#1-10/09/09

1. Most people agree that recycling is a good thing. Why, specifically should we recycle glass?
We should recycle glass because Every ton of glass recycled saves the equivalent of 9 gallons of fuel oil needed to make glass from virgin materials. At least 30% of glass containers on grocery store shelves can be recycled. Container glass can be recycled repeatedly with no loss of quantity or quality.
2. Which is better: recycling or reusing things?
I think that recycling is better then reusing,because when you reuse items it causes bacteria to grow and spread. Not only that you could get sick from the bacteria.
3. How can Fayetteville residents recycle?
Fayetteville residents can separate the glass, plastic, cardboard, and aluminum, then put them in different containers.
4. Where is the closest recycling drop-off center to your home (or our school)?
Parker Site-4759 Black Bridge Rd Hope Mills, NC
is the closet to my house.
5. List 9 things plastic can be made into once it has been recycled.
Recycled plastics can be made into bottles, shower stalls, recycling bins, scouring pads, paint brushes, industrial strapping, drainpipes, plastic lumber, flowerpots, etc.
6. List 5 things metals can be turned into once it has been melted down.
Metal is melted down and reformed into new products such as cans, automobile parts, siding, appliances and building materials.
7. What can you do to promote recycling?
I can show and tell what might happen to our planet earths atmosphere if we don't recycle.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

blog post #7-10/08/09

The grade I think I deserve is at least an A because I have finished and posted them on time.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blog post #6-10/06/09

Pick one of the four oceans. What are the five most important natural resources that people get from that ocean?
I choose the Pacific ocean.These are the 5 natural resources that we get from the Pacific ocean.
  • oil
  • gas fields
  • polymetallic nodules
  • sand
  • gravel aggregates