Thursday, October 29, 2009

blog post#6-10/29/09

1. What is global warming?
global warming is the changing the long-term weather,due to people's ignorance
2. Do you believe in global warming? Briefly explain.
I do believe in global warming, because there is proof that the glaciers are melting,and the temperature is going crazy, due to the carbon footprint.
3. Give three pieces of evidence to support your position on number 2.
The U.S. is responsible for 25% of the carbon dioxide produce in the world.If carbon dioxide emissions are stopped today, we will still feel the effects for years to come. Almost 279 species of plants and animals are already reacting to global warming, migrating north to escape rising temperatures.
4. Despite your response to #2, there are smart people out there that believe the complete opposite of what you believe. Give three pieces of evidence for someone with the opposing viewpoint.
People believe that the climate computers are crude to predict future climates.ICPP dont provethat people are the causes for globel warming.The amount of global warming, would be beneifical to natural worold and to human civilizations.

1 comment:

  1. Another piece of evidence is the polar ice caps melting and getting smaller every year. This causes the ocean levels to rise.
