Wednesday, November 4, 2009

blog post#7-11/4/09

1. What is a monsoon?
A monsoon is seasonal reverse of wind
2. What 2 major factors cause monsoons?
2 major factors are the movement northward from winter to summer of the huge upper level subtropical high pressure system, and the intense heating of the Mohave Desert creates rising air and surface low pressure
3. Give 2 reasons why monsoons could be considered a good thing.
1 reason is they does not produce thunderstorms every day during the months of July-September, and the other is that this cycle of "bursts" and "breaks" will continue from the onset of the monsoon circulation, which returns our winds to a westerly or northwesterly direction.
4. Give 2 negatives of monsoons.
2 negatives would be severe summer thunderstroms, and flash floods.
5. Why did so many people die here? What exactly happened? Please be complete :)
People diedbecause of flash floods cuased droughts.Sudden rains, coming after a severe drought, deluged villages and caused widespread disruption in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
6. After everything that you have read about monsoons, what do you think? Are they good or bad? Why?
I think that monsoons can be rewarding and very dangerous. They are mostly dangerous, because they cause severe thunderstroms and floods.

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